P.O. Box 433 Allenspark, CO 80510

An EPIC Response to COVID-19

Dear EPIC supporters,
Yesterday EPIC printed a total of 2,200 copies of the flyer shown below, even though all Guatemalan businesses are closed because of the Coronavirus. Owner, Marta Julia could enter her own printing shop and make copies of the flyer for the 5 EPIC programs who will be distributing them starting today.

– Department of Baja Verapaz – Cubulco and 14 surrounding communities

– Department of Chimaltenango – Sumpango and San Jacinto

– Department of Sololá – San Lucas Tolimán and its surrounding villages

– Department of Sacatepéquez – San Mateo and Pastores

I am thankful that EPIC has fantastic program partners who want to respond to this pandemic which is descending upon Guatemala. In analyzing what they could contribute, program staff thought education was most needed. Like elsewhere, crazy rumors are circulating – from gargling with hot salt water to really dangerous ideas. Former EPIC Board Member, Denise Caudill, worked with us and our Guatemalan partners for 2 days to refine and make a simple and culturally-appropriate flyer. Program staff will make lightening-like visits to the communities where they work delivering Coronavirus educational materials. In remote parts of Baja Verapaz – where people are so poor that just getting enough food is problematic – they will also be delivering 400 pounds of bars of soap. Just being able do something, has program people energized.

If you are able, and it would give you hope, you too can join in fighting the spread of this pandemic in a country with a severe lack of medical facilities. Be assured that your contribution is very much needed and will be carefully and judiciously administered.  I will keep you informed about EPIC’s continuing work to fight the spread of the Coronavirus.  Also, consider joining EPIC’s Annual Meeting, August 1, 2020 be it virtually or in-person in Colorado.


Paul McKay, Executive Director

[qbutton size=”small” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”” target=”_blank” font_weight=”” text=”DONATE NOW FOR COVID-19 RELIEF” link=”https://epicprojects.org/donate-now/”]