P.O. Box 433 Allenspark, CO 80510


IMG_0236FUNDESOL, La Fundación Para el Desarrollo Sostenible Lenca, is a Honduras non-profit dedicated to the promotion of social progress in the Lenca communities of the region of San Francisco, Opalaca, Honduras. The goals of FUNDESOL include promoting sustainable agriculture, education, leadership development, and the building of local indigenous institutions. A current project is the construction of facilities for a Vocational Agriculture Training Center in the Lenca community of Monteverde.

The first phase of the construction of the Vocational Agriculture Training Center was facilitated by a multidisciplinary team of 25 persons from North Carolina who traveled to Monteverde, Opalaca, in March of 2009. They contributed labor and expertise in the construction of the first building which was completed by local builders later in the year.

A strategic plan for the formation of leaders in sustainable agriculture and natural resource conservation is now in place under the direction of La Semilla del Progreso, Siguatepeque, Honduras. In January of 2010, Lenca communities of San Francisco, Opalaca, selected representatives to participate in a year-long training program directed by La Semilla del Progreso. These leaders will participate in 6 courses of 5 days each for a total of 30 days of training in residence. In addition, the five Lenca participants will receive 3 on-farm supervision visits to review the application of the practices they have learned during their training. As a requisite for participation in this year-long training program, these trainees have committed to working during the year with 5 additional farm families in each of their areas. Thus, a total of 30 families will be taught and supervised in the application of the practices of sustainable farming.