P.O. Box 433 Allenspark, CO 80510

EPIC is addressing an urgent need, adapting to climate change by promoting ecological farming in Central America and Mexico.
Planting an indigenous upland rice, that is both drought-resistant and hurricane-tolerant, is one current strategy to combat serious food insecurity in this countries.
Four EPIC projects are now participating in this promising initiative.
Baja Ver Paz Agriculture
La Segovia Food Production
La Semilla del Progresso
Axochipan 'Laudato Si' Program
In 2021, La Semilla purchased 400 pounds of Tempisque rice seed and it was carried from Honduras to EPIC's agricultural partners in Guatemala, El Salvador and Mexico.
Participating farmers in the new 4-country Tempisque Rice research project were all given the same amount of Honduran Tempisque rice seed and planting instructions. All plots were standardized as to the size. 111 research plots of Tempisque rice were planted, tended, harvested in the 4 countries. The harvests were weighed and the data recorded.
Between December 2021 - February 2022 ,
with ONLY 3 pounds of rice seed...
172 pounds of rice were harvested in Guatemala
208 pounds of rice were harvested in Honduras
The lack of modern equipment to remove the rice’s outer shell and ready the rice for cooking was a major deterrent for more farmers considering this crop. An extensive search in all 4 participating countries for an adequate rice hulling machine yielded none. However, in China a small, inexpensive huller could be bought for $495, It was found to process 100 pounds of rice in 13 minutes. These machines weigh 70 pounds, plus a 40 pound motor, so they can easily moved in a pick-up to serve many farmers in a region.

In 2022, 2 out 6 of the new rice hullers were lost in shipping to Central America and Mexico. However, that year with one huller in each country, much rice was successfully hulled, and farmers were extremely pleased with the machines. The hullers were found to process 100 pounds of rice in 13 minutes.
During 2023, 10 rice hullers were shipped from a Chinese port directly to the Pacific port of Guatemala. Armando Tomas, Coordinator of the Tempisque Rice Research Program in the 4 countries, hired a Guatemalan customs agent who successfully managed importation into Guatemala. These hullers have been distributed in the 4 countries, and now all of the rice growing regions have hullers that can be moved from farm to farm for rice hulling.