“Laudato Si” Organic Agricultural Program – MEXICO
In January 2018, Fundación Don Sergio Méndez Arceo, EPIC, and Proyecto de Desarrollo Rural Vicente Guerrero began a collaboration to encourage organic agricultural production in Axochiapan, Mexico. The past work of Fundación Don Sergio Méndez Arceo had been fighting effectively and forcefully for human rights in Mexico. However, they realized that human rights are closely related to environmental concerns. They wanted to build upon their past connections in the area of Axochiapan to develop new work there in sustainable organic agriculture and environmental protection in this region. A collaboration between EPIC, Proyecto de Desarrollo Rural Integral Vicente Guerrero, and Fundación Don Sergio Méndez Arceo enabled the Fundación to take advantage of the experience of the other organizations in introducing organic regenerative agriculture. The program was called “Laudato Si” after the Pope’s environmental encyclical “Care for Our Common Home”.
On Feb.15, program beneficiaries participated in activities evaluating the first 2 years of the Axochipan program’s work promoting environmental sustainability and organic agriculture. There was much discussion and group planning for what participants desired to see in the future for their communities. There was a strong affirmation for organic pest control and locally produced fertilizers.