P.O. Box 433 Allenspark, CO 80510

The mission of EPIC is to create linkages between people and groups
devoted to solving global challenges of poverty, food insecurity,
environmental degradation, health inequity,
human rights, and peacemaking
EPIC, the Ecumenical Project for International Cooperation, is a USA-based, non-profit organization strengthening local groups, primarily located in Mexico, Central and South America, to promote and sustain effective change.
Our projects strive to...
Get Innovative
Thinking differently about the challenges we face
EPIC works with agriculture partners on the daily challenges of environmental degradation. The mounting effects of climate change have left our agricultural projects with an urgent need to adapt quickly - and more creatively. Many partners now plant more reliable varieties that have been forgotten or grow crops that are not traditionally grown in their region. Drought-resistant and flood-resistant plants are the key to food and financial security in these farmer communities. Learn more about the Maguey agave (pictured) and Tempisque rice programs in Mexico and Central America.
Show Tangible Results
We must see a difference in the lives of those we serve

EPIC and our partners set goals in all our programs to measure our success. Sustainable development can be slow but when it is done right, poco a poco, we do see positive changes. The communities where we work need to see this change. Are the farmers seeing bigger yields? Is there more food at the table? Are health outcomes improving? Can young people remain in their communities and avoid immigrating up north?

Build local capacity
We encourage peer-to-peer training and emerging leaders

The real strength of our organization lies in our local project leadership. We encourage young people to step into roles with more responsibility to continue building this valuable local capacity. This can reach beyond communities into other neighboring communities and even to other countries. What began in 20111, as a farmer-to-farmer exchange between Honduras and Guatemala, has grown into a 4-country learning network.