P.O. Box 433 Allenspark, CO 80510

News from the field

Creciendo Juntos in Soacha, Colombia, has many activities for the children and teens in the neighborhood. They offer after-school activities, tutoring, and workshops focused on peace and conflict resolution. Often they organize special events, like celebrating Mother’s Day and a field trip that allowed these city children to fly kites.

Using an “A frame” farmers in Honduras are learning to lay out level curves to be able to do contour planting on their hillside farms. The “A frame” was used by the Romans to construct their famous aqueducts and roads. A model of a Roman “A frame” as displayed in a museum in Morocco is shown by Chon Tacatic.

After more than a year researching, ordering from China, shipping across the sea to Los Angeles, re-shipping to Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, we now have rice hullers operating in Axochiapan, Mexico and La Segovia, El Salvador. The process has not been easy but EPIC staff and program partners have shown perseverance.

This fuel saving stove has a chimney that takes the smoke out of the kitchen, significantly diminishing lung damage for women who spend hours a day making meals and tortillas for their families. Visiting the Baja Verapaz Program in Guatemala, Paul Mckay and EPIC's new board member Scott Brink saw home and health improvement put together with saving trees.