P.O. Box 433 Allenspark, CO 80510

Protecting Human Rights in Mexico
The National Human Rights Prize Don Sergio Méndez Arceo is a collective effort to protect, support, and raise the visibility of important human rights work being done in Mexico. This year, the individual prize was awarded to Blanca Isabel Martínez Bustos, for her work with families of disappeared people, children, and indigenous populations seeking self-determination.
What is Agrosalud?
The Baja Verapaz Health Education Program exemplifies a unique coordination of efforts between its work in nutrition and health and its agriculture program. They are fighting malnutrition by teaching families to grow vegetable gardens, plant fruit trees, vaccinate and raise chickens, and increase corn and bean harvests.
Aquaculture Provides Nutrition and Income
EPIC’s agricultural programs are expanding efforts in aquaculture, teaching people to raise fish in family fish ponds. The family or a group of neighbors dig the pond, and the local program staff provides instruction on caring for the pond and the young fish. Families can regularly harvest one or several fish for dinner and leave the rest to grow for sale.
Reforestation with Maguey & Pinyon Pine
These small Maguey plants are a part of big changes in the Mexican desert. The Vicente Guerrero agroforestry project not only contributes towards climate mitigation and adaptation efforts, it also invites community members to become custodians of the natural environment that holds them, while providing them an additional source of income.
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Aquaculture Provides Nutrition and Income
EPIC’s agricultural programs are expanding efforts in aquaculture, teaching people to raise fish in family fish ponds. The family or a group of neighbors dig the pond, and the local program staff provides instruction on caring for the pond and the young fish. Families can regularly harvest one or several fish for dinner and leave the rest to grow for sale.
Reforestation with Maguey & Pinyon Pine
These small Maguey plants are a part of big changes in the Mexican desert. The Vicente Guerrero agroforestry project not only contributes towards climate mitigation and adaptation efforts, it also invites community members to become custodians of the natural environment that holds them, while providing them an additional source of income.
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Building Confidence Through Sports
EPIC team members recently visited the children and coach at our partner program Goals for Kids (Metas Jovenes) in San Jacinto, Guatemala. Teens and younger children are getting themselves moving and having fun. They learn to work together, stay healthy and, most importantly, build the confidence that need to take on life.
EPIC is addressing an urgent need - adapting to climate change by promoting ecological farming in Central America and Mexico. Planting an indigenous upland rice, that is both drought-resistant and hurricane-tolerant, is one current strategy to combat serious food insecurity in this countries.

Four EPIC projects are now participating in this promising initiative.
Learn more about The Tempique Rice Project or explore the projects below.

Baja Ver Paz Agriculture
La Segovia Food Production
La Semilla del Progresso
Axochipan 'Laudato Si' Program
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