2.12.24 – Aquaculture in Guatemala
EPIC is in Guatemala this month, visiting projects and checking in with our local partners. We toured an aquaculture project in Chivaquito, Baja Verapaz. Six families have built three ponds as participants in this Baja Verapaz: Sustainable Agriculture project. In July, small fish, called fingerlings, were put into ponds to be harvested and eaten during Samana Santa (Holy Week). Some fish will be eaten by the families then and the extra fish will be sold. Farmers can catch a high price since fish is really popular during the Easter season.

EPIC’s agricultural programs are expanding efforts in aquaculture, teaching people to raise fish in family fish ponds. The family or a group of neighbors dig the pond, and the EPIC program staff provides instruction on caring for the pond and the young fish. Families can then harvest one or several fish for dinner and leave the rest to continue growing. Tilapia is a fish that is easy to raise in Central America, and a pond can continue to provide food for years.
| Learn More About Our Aquaculture Projects |