Reforestation and Family Nurseries

EPIC programs in Honduras and Guatemala are teaching farmers to plant tree seeds in family nurseries and then transplant the seedlings into small bags. Finally, when the small trees are well established, the families plant them on their own and neighbors’ hillsides.

Planting trees helps mitigate climate change and reverse deforestation. Trees are important in controlling erosion on hillsides and protecting watersheds. For families in Honduras and Guatemala, trees provide fruit for improved nutrition, firewood for cooking, and lumber for home construction. Growing hardwoods has become an important way for rural families to earn income, and these valuable trees grow much faster in Central America than in colder climates. Trees also provide a home for birds and many small animals.

EPIC has emphasized tree planting for years,but last year planting trees has really taken off. The Baja Verapaz Program in Guatemala planted 35,385 trees during this last rainy season year.