P.O. Box 433 Allenspark, CO 80510

5.12.24 – 29th Fundación Sergio Méndez Arceo Human Rights Awards

“We came together to stop our trees from dying…The truth is, we have suffered, I suffered. I was imprisoned for almost two years. I have truly experienced many injustices. I have been unjustly accused…for fighting, for rescuing, for fighting for our territory”

~ Raymundo, Sanitation and Restoration Collective of the Malintzi Tlalcuapan

A bark beetle infestation has affected the slopes of the Mallinti since 2020. In Tlacuapan alone, 300 hectares, close to 80%, of the community’s forest was lost. Due to their resistance and organization to rescue the forest, two of the members of the group were unjustly imprisoned. Raymundo was recently released, however, Saúl remains imprisoned. The group managed to control the plague and continue working to free their partner Saúl.

“Nos unimos como gente para que nuestros árboles no se sigan muriendo…Yo la verdad, hemos sufrido, yo sufrí. Estuve encarcelado casi cerca de dos años. He vivido la verdad muchas injusticias. He sido acusado injustamente…por luchar, por rescatar, por luchar por nuestro territorio.”

Raymundo, Colectivo de Saneamiento y Restauración de la Malintzi Tlalcuapan

Una plaga de escarabajo descortezador afectó las faldas de la Mallinti. Solamente en Tlacuapan se perdieron 300 hectares, cerca del 80%, del bosque. Por la resistencia y organización para rescatar el bosque, dos de los miembros del colectivo fueron injustamente presos. Raymundo fue liberado recientemente. Sin embargo Saúl sigue preso. El colectivo logró controlar la plaga y siguen trabajando por liberar a su compañero Saúl.

The 29th National Human Rights Prize was presented in Cuernavaca, Mexico. Congratulations to Blanca Isabel Martínez Bustos (individual award) and Collectivo Saneamiento y Restauración de la Malintz Tlalcuapan (Group award)