Creating Opportunties for Central American Youth – Nov 2014
Honduras is the poorest county in Central America, and for many youth, opportunities for education or employment are nonexistent. The greatest number of unaccompanied minors to the US now come from Honduras. La Semilla is working in very poor rural areas to give teens from farming backgrounds new hope and the necessary skills to someday support their own families. They are taught multiple strategies to manage water, conserve and enrich soil, and control pests – all without needing to buy agrochemicals. Given that these teenagers will never have more than a few acres, they learn very intensive and sophisticated farm management. This agricultural training, plus the inspiration provided by La Semilla, has restored the term “farmer” as a viable vocational option for many teens, proving the success of the La Semilla youth groups.
Eduardo is one such success story. When Eduardo finished sixth grade there was no further education available in La Sorto, but he joined La Semilla’s Agricultural Training for youth. Ten years later Eduardo is married to a girl who was in the group when it became coed, and they have 2 little boys. A successful farmer, he grows organic corn, beans, and fruit for family food security and coffee and hardwoods for cash.