P.O. Box 433 Allenspark, CO 80510

Mujeres en Acción – GUATEMALA

Mujeres en Acción is a micro-finance organization of Maya women. It began in 1984 when Felipa Xico was concerned for widows left without a means of support due to civil war. She went on to found Mujeres en Acción that has become a strong micro-credit organization which also addresses the multiple needs of the women participants.

Starting by organizing weaving groups of Maya woman to produce and sell their traditional textiles, Mujeres en Acción has women participating in saving groups in many regions of Guatemala. It also addresses many other needs of its members including work in reforestation and producing organic fertilizers. Their work has a strong emphasis on caring for the environment. Following the eruption of Volcano Fuego in 2018, Mujeres en Acción responded by providing both immediate relief supplies and assistance with the building of new homes. Because they had already been working in the affected communities, they have been able to provide appropriate help to those most needing it.