P.O. Box 433 Allenspark, CO 80510

Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center – U.S.A.

The Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center is a multi-issue organization that works to promote peace, restore and protect the Earth, and insure human rights are respected. Rooted in the spirit of unconditional nonviolence, it educates, organizes, and acts and build community and create a culture of justice and peace.

Founded in 1983, the Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center now has over 1,000 members and an active wider network of about 2,000 additional individuals and 200 organizations. Each week, they provide this larger network action alerts and notification of upcoming events sponsored both by RMPJC and others.

The work of the RMPJC is carried out through education and action groups known as “collectives.” Each collective has a specific issue focus, and the work of all the collectives is interwoven and interconnected. In addition to working locally, most of the collectives participate in statewide and national coalitions. Issues addressed by the collectives are chosen by the staff and spokes council with input from the community. The collective structure promotes democratic participation in the ongoing work of the center. People in the community can become involved in the work of a given collective by participating in its meetings where they can help determine the actions of the collective. A staff member coordinates each of the collectives.

Receiving the Local Peacemaker of the Year award

RMPJC Vision

  • RMPJC recognizes that all beings are interconnected and interdependent.
    We strive to nourish the inherent capacity for compassion, generosity and joy in all people.
  • We seek a healthy, sustainable relationship between people and the planet.
    We recognize that Earth and all its beings are inherently valuable and have the right to exist and be healthy.
  • We seek to create egalitarian social, economic, political and environmental structures where all people are empowered to participate directly in decisions that affect their lives.
  • We seek a world where conflict is handled justly and nonviolently, creating true peace.

Celebrating Martin Luther King Day

Visit www.rmpjc.org for more information