Farmer to Farmer Method
EPIC has found that one of its keys to success when teaching and promoting sustainable agriculture is using the Farmer to Farmer method. To ensure that the training networks continue to have a long lasting impact, agriculture agents have to guarantee that sustainable agriculture methods they teach can endure long after they leave communities on their own. […]
The Farmer to Farmer Method: Water Conservation
Learn about the efforts of COSECHA and APRODEHNI to spread water conservation techniques using the Farmer to Farmer method.
2006 Annual Report
Highlights from the 2006 Annual Report include: Addressing Post-trauma Stress With Children in Indonesia, Farmer to Farmer Training at a National Level, Mujeres En Acción, Felipe Tomás from FUNDAMARCOS, Moving Towards Organic Fertilizer, Harvesting Water at Vicente Guerrero, Adapting to Climate Change, Immigration. View Full PDF…