Toothbrushes for Women and Children
These Fuel Saving Stoves greatly reduce the amount of firewood used for cooking as compared to using an open fire on the floor. This is a very important compliment to EPIC’s program of planting trees for reforestation. To achieve reforestation it is necessary to be planting significantly more trees than local people need to cut for cooking. Using less than half as much wood to cook also saves time and labor spent cutting, splitting, and carrying wood.
Reforestation and Family Nurseries
These Fuel Saving Stoves greatly reduce the amount of firewood used for cooking as compared to using an open fire on the floor. This is a very important compliment to EPIC’s program of planting trees for reforestation. To achieve reforestation it is necessary to be planting significantly more trees than local people need to cut for cooking. Using less than half as much wood to cook also saves time and labor spent cutting, splitting, and carrying wood.
Fuel-Saving Stoves Update
These Fuel Saving Stoves greatly reduce the amount of firewood used for cooking as compared to using an open fire on the floor. This is a very important compliment to EPIC’s program of planting trees for reforestation. To achieve reforestation it is necessary to be planting significantly more trees than local people need to cut for cooking. Using less than half as much wood to cook also saves time and labor spent cutting, splitting, and carrying wood.
3.5.23 – A Hopeful Visit in Spring
After more than a year researching, ordering from China, shipping across the sea to Los Angeles, re-shipping to Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, we now have rice hullers operating in Axochiapan, Mexico and La Segovia, El Salvador. The process has not been easy but EPIC staff and program partners have shown perseverance.
Mujeres en Acción – GUATEMALA
Mujeres en Acción is a micro-finance organization of Maya women. It began in 1984 when Felipa Xico was concerned for widows left without a means of support due to civil war. She went on to found Mujeres en Acción that has become a strong micro-credit organization which also addresses the multiple needs of the women participants.