Relief for Survivors of the Eruption of Volcano Fuego
To be able to respond with immediate relief, EPIC worked with 2 local programs we have partnered with for many years Mujeres en Acción & the FUNDAMARCOS Maya Foundation.
Inspiring Reflections from the Board Trip
The EPIC Board’s visit included family members, promoting greater understanding for all of us. As some of you have experienced, Paul and Mary packed the schedule full, not wanting us to miss anything.
2017 – 2018 Annual Report
The theme for the 2017- 2018 Annual Report is "Promoting Greater Understanding Through Supporting Local Initiatives". This past year that led to an even greater expansion of sustainable agriculture work; to greater involvement of new, young leadership; and to an increased focus on youth.
Integration of New Leadership
Our partners took active steps in the past year to ensure that their organizations are also sustainable! Not only is a new generation of leadership emerging, but many of the programs integrate younger people in their programs.
Expanding Sustainable Agricultural Work
Trained educators helped conduct an initial survey of the new communities and discovered that food production is so inadequate that many families must migrate to other parts of Guatemala to harvest sugar cane or coffee.