2.1.21 – A Story of the Unexpected: Upland Rice
While the US is in turmoil, all EPIC program partners are starting a new year of activities. These are modified to prevent the spread of Covid. In Mexico students pre-K through 6th grade at La Buena Tierra are studying virtually via cell phones. For children without phones, the director acquired donated used phones. EPIC provided some needed scholarships and school kits for kindergarten students who could not afford them.
1.29.21 – Building ‘Hope At Home’ Continues
With Hurricanes Eta and Iota hundreds of thousands of Hondurans lost their homes and more have lost their crops - their food for 2021. Without homes or food, Hondurans have formed caravans to flee to the US. They are being turned back in Guatemala and Mexico. Hondurans need HOPE AT HOME. EPIC is dedicated to working towards this goal for as many families as possible. In the next weeks EPIC will post descriptions of this work.
2007 Annual Report
Highlights from the 2007 Annual Report include: FUNDAMARCOS Invests in Family Development, La Semilla Del Progreso Expands Using Farmer to Farmer, Post-trauma Stress Healing In Indonesia, Updates on Mujeres En Acción, Earthquake Reconstruction in Peru, Expansion of La Buena Tierra, Hurricane Relief in El Salvador, and Peacemakers Gather in Mexico. View Full PDF…
2005 Annual Report
Highlights from the 2005 Annual Report include: FUNDAMARCOS’s New Health Program, Expansion of FUNDAMARCOS – Sustainable Agriculture, Vocational Training with Youth Through La Semilla del Progreso, The Impact of Hurricane Stan and the Loma Linda Training Center. Read Full Report(PDF)…