1.10.24 – Nomina a Defensores
Visibilizar, honrar y proteger a los defensores de derechos humanos en nuestra país. Vigéstimo Noveno Premio Nacional de Derechos Humanos Don Sergio Méndez Arceo. Nomina a defensores antes del 2 de febrero 2024
A Story of Reforestation
This is a collaboration between Mennonite Men’s Join Trees campaign and EPIC’s Baja Verapaz: Sustainable Agriculture Program which brings local experience in developing tree nurseries and successfully planting trees.
EPIC 2021 Annual General Meeting Details
Zoom meeting invitation to “EPIC Annual Assembly” Reunión en Zoom para “Asamblea Anual de EPIC” Theme: EPIC Annual Assembly – Reunión en Zoom para Asamblea Anual de EPIC Hour: July 17, 2021 11:45 a.m. ET(USA and Canada) Join to Zoom Meeting / Unirse a la reunión Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81329646027?pwd=UG00dDlWR25GaE9OaTNxUm42c1crUT09 Meeting ID: 813 2964 6027 Access code: […]
Celebrando Mujeres Inspiradoras
March 8th, 2019 - EPIC Celebrated International Women's Day
La Transición de Liderazgo para EPIC
Se puso en marcha en Colorado la transición de liderazgo para la organización internacional no lucrativa (ONG): Ecumenical Project for International Cooperation(EPIC)
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VIDEO: Maya Hairpiece
Woman showing how she wraps her hair using a traditional Maya hairpiece during Boulder Mennonite Service Learning visit to Santa Catarina Palopó. See it on Facebook