P.O. Box 433 Allenspark, CO 80510

Honduras was already the poorest county in Central America, and this year’s drought has caused great suffering. La Semilla had been preparing farmers for weather extremes by emphasizing a resilient food production. Each family is advised to plant food crops that like lots of water and crops that do well with little. Still, when the […]

The following are from the FUNDAMARCOS  Sustainable Agricultural and Primary Health Program’s work with 11 Villages in Cubulco and Granados, Baja Verapaz from 2014-2015: Tree Planting 29,443 total trees planted 20,097 small trees transplanted onto the hillsides for reforestation, firewood and lumber – 9 varieties selected to be appropriate for the elevation where they were planted. […]

Patricio Jacobo, Coordinator, Trainer, and Supervisor of Agricultural Resiliency Trainers  at La Semilla del Progreso in Honduras took inspiration from the Encyclical Letter.  “Thank you for bringing to our attention the Encyclical  “Care for Our Common Home” by Pope Francis. We appreciate your encouragement to use it in our leadership training.  We are very much aware of this […]

Our 2014 holiday donation drive was a fabulous success!  All your generous gifts will make a tremendous impact on EPIC’s work and what we can do for our project partners. We had 94 recipients in total and here are some of the most popular gifts: Sponsoring an Honduran youth for 4 day course on sustainable […]